Ancient Runes #11 Who Am I? Ern's 2460FUN He needed a lute or something. And maybe some puffy trousers to be able to pull off this song. Keep it authentic, which made him kind of anxious for some reason. Not that he wasn't always slightly anxious for reasons that were his own to deal with and such. Yeah, but he wasn't anxious for the usual reasons. Nope. He was sort of anxious 'cause he had s a vision of loads of students all dressed up in period working on Shakespeare. That man was a genius and he TOTALLY would be into that. Maybe he'd go make a motion for a club or something anonymously. What? He couldn't have his name on that girly crap.
Brushing all thoughts of a drama club of sorts out of his mind, he focused back on his sonnet/song. It was whatever and felt kind of traditional, but he was thanking a tree and he hadn't gotten around to JUST that part yet, so he needed to write the thank you. He had six lines and 10 syllables per line to finish out a thank you. More then enough time. Billy Shakes had accomplished a lot more in less lines, but then again he was boss. And his insults were awesome. Smirk.
Glazing over his half-written song, Ascanius went back to work finishing it out. There was SO much camp in it, but he had no choice. He was writing a thank you song to a tree. Deadpan. Yeah, he had REALLY just said that and stuff. Lame. Then again, the Professor was ancient. It was to be expected.
Now he was going to finish the last bit.
He dipped his quill back into the ink and tried to focus in on what he needed to accomplish for this last round. Yeah, thanks and stuff. That was key. So he would start with that line of thought. This merry tune is one of gracious thanks
For magic runes can not exist alone.
If offerings could come from golden banks
My gratitude would be riches unknown.
Dear Oak, from you I carve my Gandr rune
And from your hearth I hope to return soon.
IT WAS DONE. It was bad, BUT IT WAS DONE. And he seriously should invest in a lute or at the very least a hand drum. Bad, bad and more bad.
But the song was over with and he could be at peace with it finally.
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