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Garrick would NEVER admit that he had been crying over... THINGS, but he made his way miserably to the boys dorm and flopped onto his bed. Yeah. He noticed Mo and kind of sort of did and face plant of his own. ICK.
So did girls. And his dad. And STUFF.
He grunted an acknowledgement toward Mo and then just laid there. Yeah. Laying was acceptable right now, yeah? YEAH!
He may have (he DID) peeked at Mo from the corner of his eye and wondered if MAYBE they could like... talk or something. People did that, right? He didn't really branch out in the friend category much, but he knew Mo Branxton was a decent dude. And at the very least they could like... grunt at one another, yeah?
Somehow Mo managed to survive his week in bed without becoming a smelly, crumpled mess. Perhaps if he was awake at all, he would have realized that someone
had to be taking care of him all that time - the Healer or a house elf or something. But all he was aware of was that when he finally woke up enough to be alert, his pillow was damp, his pajamas were clean, and his mouth tasted
He rolled on his side and shoved up, looking at Garrick on the opposite bed. Hello, roommate person. "I think I fell asleep. Are you okay?"