Ancient Runes [Post #20] Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese Dagaz flashed across his mind for the next rune to be carved and Dylan took a deep breath. He didn't have to look this one it was one of his favorites...So, he reveled a moment in the face that it felt RIGHT to etch this one. Naturally he'd be doing it at some point since all the Elder Futhark runes were going to be present...but the time was now! Dagaz was the start of a New Day...New beginnings, fresh attitudes, new opportunities...Everything about this particular rune correlated to his life at the moment. He'd been the one going out soon...and starting his life. It'd be a break from school and a totally fresh start out there in the real world...but he wasn't nervous or angry about growing up. These things happened. Truth be told...he was kinda excited... "Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz..." He had his wand focused again, quickly, but efficiently working the rune into the top part of the galdr. It resembled a bowtie...kinda. "Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz..." His tongue had made an appearance he had focused on the task at hand. Almost done....."Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz...Intaglio Dagaz..." Merlin, he always felt awesome after doing anything with this rune...Totally loved it...
There. Done.
NEXT. Fehu...Yes, yes...'The Sending Rune'..and a 'Rune of Fire'...drawing the powers of the Sun, Moon, and stars...Definitely a strengthening rune, too. After chanting and carving that one into a bottom portion, Hagalaz quickly followed. 'The Evolutionary Rune' that could also stand for 'completeness' and 'positive influences'. That's what he was going for, anwyay. Energies would be focused towards the evolutionary principle....That one got carved into another bottom portion...Soon Raidho popped up...and Sowilo...They seemed to come right at the same time. Apparently his mind was a little confused between the two runes and wasn't too sure which should come first....Going with Raidho...Dylan was well aware of his meaning and interpretation. Safe travels and journeys...Yep, he was totally focusing on that aspect as he etched it into the wooden piece in front of him near a middle section...Safe journeys diffusing out into whomever used it...and with Sowilo...'The Sun Rune'...Reinforcing physically and mental strength...just like the sun does for everyone on a day to day basis. Like, energy, vitality....All things he wanted to introduced into his collection of magical properties...That got etched into the top of the galdr.
Dylan spied Algiz in his mind's eye after the previous two and took a deep breath. This one was also a favorite of the Slytherin Captain's. He enjoyed chanting it in lessons...and it was an attractive rune. Protection, defense, and communication with other worlds...It was going to join the runes near the top of the galdr...just because it's personal properties were so aligned with what he was looking for... "Intaglio Algiz...Intaglio Algiz...Intaglio Algiz...Intaglio Algiz..." Wand steadied, Dylan was so pleased to be almost finished with this carving process. Looked like a three-prong 'Y'...So, its construction was simple. "Intaglio Algiz...Intaglio Algiz..." Kenaz was next...and he got immediately excited about it. ANOTHER RUNE OF FIRE. The more gentle of the two, though...Also, it was a total creative rune. All perspectives of creativity, in fact. It meant other things, yes...but he was focusing its energy towards the creativity aspect. His galdr needed it...and it got etched near the center...but all things should center around creative forces...
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Last edited by Govoni; 07-27-2013 at 03:07 AM.