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Forrest LOVED smiles. The sincere ones ALWAYS meant good stuff, and he just took The Prefect's smile as 'approval'. Like, 'I give permission to you to wait here.' Or, 'I approve of you as your prefect.' So Forrest offered his shy smile back, and turned his eyes at the knocker.
..."But you don't know?" He could watch the knocker for only a few seconds before he had to eye the Prefect in total shock. He even searched for a trace of mocking, but there was none. It looked like pure puzzlement to him.
Head of houses should be more careful with prefect choices, because this one was clearly the most ignorant student.
"The moment that the spell on this knocker wears out! The moment that the knocker won't be able to speak anymore. Every spell got a life, and Professor Flamsteed said this one might wear out soon." Okay maybe he didn't particularly said soon, but he did say it'd been around for over 1000 years, and that was A LOOOOT of time.
So. Soon. History in making.
Ethan let his curious eyes follow the young boy's gaze to the knocker, then he looked back at him again. Was he waiting to hear the riddle so he could attempt entrance? The Prefect would have had no problem with that except he knew this one was not from his house and really did not need to be inside. Or else he would know that one needed to knock with the knocker to get it to speak.
Was this the moment to which he referred? The moment the knocker spouted out its riddle?
Ethan opened his mouth to answer the boy. Of course he knew.. he knew how the knocker worked and he usually could work out the answer to allow him inside.. but apparently that was not what this boy meant. The 18 year old quirked an eyebrow at the young boy as he listened to his explanation. Well.. that certainly was an interesting line of thinking..
"Flamsteed told you this?" Green eyes lifted from the boy to wander over to the bronze knocker.
"And he said that would be happening.. sometime today?" Or else the kid might be standing around just staring for an awful long time. He turned back to the boy, slightly amused.
"Well, he is right about spells having an expiration.. but did you ever consider that the knocker might have already been re-enchanted?" And probably more than once was likely as old as it was..
"I have to re-cast the tracking charm on my cat all the time," he added with a shrug. Did Flamsteed seriously tell this unassuming child to stand here and watch to see the spell wear out on Ravenclaw's knocker.. or maybe it was another of the man's practical jokes.