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Well, wasn't he polite? The younger boy earned a small smile from the Prefect as manners went a long way with Ethan. Seemed like the exception to the rule anymore.. though that line of thinking probably came from the lessons he had as a kid that he could not shake from his head.
Okay.. so he didn't need anything, maybe he was waiting for someone, like a Ravenclaw, to come out to meet him? Or.. the moment..? Umm.. Ethan looked curiously at the kid for a moment before looking behind himself and then just in the general vicinity. What was this child talking about? "The moment..?" he repeated questioningly as he looked back to the boy. "What moment would that be?" Curiosity got the better of him and he just had to ask.. he was a Ravenclaw, after all.
Forrest LOVED smiles. The sincere ones ALWAYS meant good stuff, and he just took The Prefect's smile as 'approval'. Like,
'I give permission to you to wait here.' Or,
'I approve of you as your prefect.' So Forrest offered his shy smile back, and turned his eyes at the knocker.
"But you don't know?" He could watch the knocker for only a few seconds before he had to eye the Prefect in total shock. He even searched for a trace of mocking, but there was none. It looked like pure puzzlement to him.
Head of houses should be more careful with prefect choices, because this one was clearly the most ignorant student.
"The moment that the spell on this knocker wears out! The moment that the knocker won't be able to speak anymore. Every spell got a life, and Professor Flamsteed said this one might wear out soon." Okay maybe he didn't particularly said
soon, but he did say it'd been around for over 1000 years, and that was A LOOOOT of time.
So. Soon.
History in making.