Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
...Zahra hadn't missed the SKIPPING PUFF. Skipping. HAHAHA. SHE SAW IT. With BOTH EYES. She had been thiiiiiiiiiinking about jumping off her statue and SCARING HIM BOOOOOOOOO!
But it was pretty high and junk and she was having a pretty good time up there by herself. The Puff got to live for another day. Probably. There were all them dementors like everywhere, so maybe not?
"HAHA THANKS, MAN!" Zahra would have high fived him, but she was like UP THERE and stuff. Maybe he could high five her shoe? Hmm. HMM. "I saw you skipping." She had. haha. Skipping. What a Hufflepuff. HAHA. "By the waaaaaaaaay." Zahra DID try to offer him her foot, though to any OUTSIDER or someone not in the KNOW, it probably looked like she was trying to stomp his head -- not offer him a HIGH FIVE WITH HER FOOT OKAY.
She... she saw that, huh? C'mon, Toby, think quickly.
"Nuh-uh! You totally didn-"
Uhm... was she trying to squish him?
As the foot came cloooooooooooser towards him, Tobias leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaned backwards to avoid being squished. Was she saying he was an ant? WAS SHE CALLING HIM SHORT?
... fair enough.
When he was still leeeeeaned back, Tobias was trying to think of a rebuttal. WHAT DO.
"Well... I saw you GRYFFINDORing." GRIIIIIN.
Smooth moves, Tempus. Smooth moves.