Ancient Runes #1 Who Am I? Ern's 2460FUN There were seven million things he could have been doing right now that constituted as better then working on this ruddy assignment and tha was no exaggeration. It was a RUDDY assignment. So much work about things that did not matter, oh wait, ever. And it was annoying that he had to do this for class or whatever. Pfft.
But he was just gonna grit his teeth and do it so it was dead. Nice and dead so he didn't have to EVER look at it again. And that was a real thing. Just nope.
So he sat down at the Slytherin Study Tables, it was filled with SO MUCH life (sarcasm), and flipped open his book. Inside all of the pages he saw his doodles from the year that made him smirk to himself. Jeez, he was witty AND handsome. Not that THAT comment had much to do with anything, but whatever. He didn't really care much at all.
With a sigh, he flipped through all of the pages of his book until he got to the wood section. Lots and lots of different types of wood. Ahem. This was so fascinating. OR not ever, yeah? Yeah.
He read a bit about each kind of wood until he decided on OAK because it would be the easiest to find in the forrest where he would no doubt have to go. Hmph.
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