After Dylan had finished in the Forbidden Forest with collecting his yew tree branch, he retreated back inside to remove the bark. Yes, he could've gotten it done anywhere in the castle...but this was something that required a great deal of care...and he wanted total privacy. eyes on him...
So, yea...he was sat back at the study table in the dungeons.
Handling the branch some, Dylan laid it carefully down on the table top, slowly removing his wand. The instructions had been clear about stripping the bark with magical means. Had to be with magic. No other way would be appropriate for the galdr...or so he'd read, anyway. In fact, looking down at it...the piece he'd cut had been rather long, actually. Dylan was convinced he'd cut this thing
too long...but nothing had been specific in the instructions or rules. long was a galdr supposed it be? Could it be any size?
...Questions he should have asked...
Getting down to it...Dylan only knew of one spell that would really work and started getting in the mindset for it.
Diffindo...He'd need to be careful, of course...but being a Seventh Year...and a smart Slytherin...he knew he'd managed.
...and so the process began. Slowly, but surely, pieces of bark were cut away, falling to the table with small
clinks!...Dylan didn't mind taking his time either. Really, he had nothing else to be doing...So, all attention and focus was on the task at hand.
"Diffindo!" He kept at it for a good hour before finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. ONE MORE PIECE TO CUT AWAY...
With one last uttered spell, Dylan was finished...and he quickly stuffed his wand away. Then he was fishing into his bag of things...looking for something in particular...Something he'd gotten specially for the occasion...Oh, there it was. A moment later, a
small black pouch was being pulled from it's depths.
After using his hands to move the bark pieces into a pile, he carefully dropped them into the bag tugging the drawstring tight and closed.
Now...apparently he had a song to write...