Ancient Runes [Post #1] Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Okay, so...Dylan was finally getting started on this term-long Ancient Runes assignment...He'd been putting it off for several reasons. The first and most important that...he just hadn't felt inspired enough to make his galdr yet. That was most likely a stupid reason for some, but not to him. He knew the importance of 'intention' and 'passion'. If he just wasn't feeling it yet, his galdr ran the risk of turning out mediocre...and, according to Dylan, nothing he did was mediocre.
So, here he was...stationed at one of the Slytherin study tables, a thick tome about wand woods cracked open in front of him. Dylan hadn't been able to really find a lot of literature on woods for galdrs. Obviously, there was a list or acceptable woods in his Runes textbook...but he wanted to think outside the box. No one else would think to do so...and it was that fact alone that kinda sealed the deal on it...Or...better yet...
Pulling his Runes book out, the Slytherin quickly flipped to the page that listed the woods with runic power. He could do one that would be acceptable to Professor Botros...and another on the side. As a personal project or whatever. Could be cool, either way...
So, he had TWO woods to select.
SO...first wood...
Taking a gander at the list, he chewed over a few options. Alder immediately jumped out at him...but then was dismissed. "Battle witch" of trees didn't sound like something he wanted to personally represent to his Runes Professor. Then there was Oak...but that quickly got dismissed, too. Sounded too much like Oakey...and Dylan did not want to do his project being reminded of that...guy. He had enough on his plate right now...
After carefully reading through his options, it was had to say which wood would speak the most to him...Willow looked promising...but didn't feel right. Not for something like this. The Slytherin was beginning to wonder if he'd ever be able to choose...but that's when he seen it. NATURALLY...the final choice would be the one he'd feel the most at home with. That was his luck. Looking through all the wrong ones until you find a right one... YEW.
First things first, it was a totally rare wood. So, probably not that many people had considered it. It was associated with ODIN, the Allfather of the Norse Gods...and related to death and rebirth. It was all-around awesome. So, CLEARLY the best choice for him.
So...second wood...
Searching through his other other book, he re-scanned all the types listen and sighed. Wand woods had better descriptions listed beneath them...and because of that...and the fact that he'd been staring at them for almost an hour was easy for him to decide upon Aspen wood. It had a lot of great qualities that he admired...Fine-grained and highly prized. Very attractive, indeed. It was also perfect for charmwork...and what were runes but just little written charms? Realistically, think about it. It was also associated with determination and strong-mindedness...So totally perfect for him.
Yes. Well, he was all decided then.
Packing up his bag with some necessary tools, Dylan slowly made his way out to the forbidden forest line. Hopefully, he'd find what he was looking for near the edge of the forest...and not too deep in...
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____