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Penelope only vaguely heard the seventh year girl speak as she tried to gather her thoughts and push the bad ones back into their place in the back of her mind. That was all she cared about now, trying to stop thinking about bad things...but of course, the more she tried NOT to think about it, the harder it was to stop. Right, wasn't there something...something in DADA class about this...
Her focus was momentarily broken when she felt something shoved in her hand, and she looked up to see what it was. Chocolate...no, she wasn't really hungry...
But then she heard Melanie say that it would help...and she then remembered people saying before that chocolate was supposed to help after dementor attacks...so she pushed herself up into a sitting position and took a small bite of the chocolate. Only a small one because she felt like she'd be sick if she ate too much of anything right now. But even a little bit seemed to help a little, thankfully...
It was then that she noticed the seventh year girl was gone, and she tuned in to what Melanie and the older boy were saying. The girl had gone after them? That was...honestly, yeah, that was kinda stupid.
"Yeah, someone should get a professor... Or all the professors..." All was better than none or just one when facing a bunch of dementors, right? The more Patronuses cast, the easier it would be to get them away and out of the castle.
As for the boy's questions...Penelope shook her head a little. "I have no idea... They shouldn't even be at Hogwarts... I've never seen them before this term..." She was pretty sure Hogwarts wasn't usually on a list of places dementors visited often. Or at least it wasn't supposed to be...
Originally Posted by
Melanie wanted tea.
Sure the chocolate had helped but her tummy was feeling all flipfloppy and had a feeling tea would help her calm down. And it'd probably help everyone else down too but Melanie refused to go down to the kitchens or even leave the common room. There were dementors out there. But there were professors out there too, weren't there?
"We should probably get the headmistress," Melanie said quietly, drawing random circles and triangles on the floor with her finger. But could the headmistress even do anything? Who knew how many dementors were even out there? And who would even want to go outside and face the dementors? Melanie was pretty sure that if any of them stepped foot outside the common room to look for a professor, they'd see one and then... yeah... soul sucked out and stuff.
It wasn't pleasant. Melanie knew that was a fact.
Then the boy was on the ground too. Voluntarily. Oh well, okay, that was okay too she supposed. And Penelope was right about the whole not supposed to be at Hogwarts thing. "This isn't the first time dementors have been at Hogwarts..." Melanie pointed out. Because they had been here a long time ago too. Melanie had read that in a book somewhere. But why were they here? "The Ministry used to use them as guards or something... I think." Melanie couldn't remember everything she had studied from last year. That was practically impossible.
She sat there silently, thinking. "So... who wants to go get the professors?" Melanie asked.
Because she didn't.
So the Dementors weren't supposed to be there, well, that made him feel better. Dementors managing to get into a school which was meant to be really safe. He was sure they were there for a good reason, though...? Okay, he was a bit doubtful, because he didn't think they were meant to be attempting to suck other people's souls out. So it was a good idea that one of them went to get a professor, something he would probably do. Maybe he could try and find the head of their house? He didn't know who it was, but he could find out, he decided as he stood up.
"I'll go and find a professor. Uh..." What else was he meant to say?
"Stay safe, eat chocolate, try not to lose your souls." That was good enough. He offered a small smile, before pulling his wand out for protection as he quickly departed the common room in search of their head of house.
And so the manhunt began.