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DEMENTORS! Eat my raven? Don't mind if we do.
The dementors continued to move in closer to the students, their rattled breathing taking on an even more hungry undertone and their long scabby fingers reaching out towards them. Instead of easily avoiding each patronus that came their way, the dementors stood their ground. One swooped in, its hole of a mouth making loud sucking noises, and devoured the silvery raven as it flew towards him. The rattled breathing that came next almost sounded happy.
If dementors could be such a thing that is.
The others in the flock swooped in as well, each devouring a patronus of their own.
A hummingbird. A fox. A hawk. A Russell terrier.
All of them were now inside the dementors' still hungry very tummies.
Rattle rattle rattle rattle.
rattle rattle rattle rattle?