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Magical Soul Ambition, he liked it. Specially in runes. And of girls related to his best buddy. Botros placed a hand on her shoulder and laughed heartily, "We're going to have a cup of tea at your grandfather's and talk about this lengthily if your head keeps popping out those questions." He wasn't complaining though! Summer was coming soon, anyways, and Lucia liked him enough to make him food. Yes. Maybe no Egypt this summer.
"Does that mean you'll teach me more over summer?" Private tutoring? Yes? Yes? YES, totally did. And Gramps would be occupied, too, and Gran would make food like she always did when guests were over. Brilliant for everyone, see?
Carving her whole name, first and last, was going to take ages, but Alice was okay with it, because Runes was her favorite. It just made sense. She wanted to write a longer message, too, but she'd already decided on something short to not strain her newfound rune writing abilities. Because she had those now.
It made sense. It did.
Message done! Ta-daaah.