Originally Posted by
DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey looked over his shoulder and gave Ella a smile and wave. Mr. Firth would surely allow her to come visit cows? He and Ella hadn't properly hung out all term. So this would be a nice change before he...left.
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"Oh hullo, Ella," he said in a friendly tone. See, Oakey? Hufflepuffs go on more walks on the Grounds. "O'course! I was jus' tellin' Oakey here tha' he should pat Bonny fer a bit before yeh see 'Bee. Bu' don' try an' feed her, she's weird like that."
Ella returned Oakey's smile and wave, relieved they were doing better now. She hated fighting with him, not that she'd ever admit it or anything. But still... it didn't feel right being angry with him. He was practically family and she wanted him around.
"Hi, Mr. Firth!" The blonde greeted cheerfully as she stopped next to the groundskeeper, eyes wandering from him to the cow and calf. She nodded at what she was being told and looked up again, a small smile on her face.
"I've only got gummy worms on me, Sir, and I doubt it'd be good to feed her those." Grin for Oakey Worm for reasons. Heh.
"How's she doing? Truebee, I mean. ...Actually, are they both doing okay?" She asked as she approached the Mama!cow, giving the creature a kind smile.