SPOILER!!: Notes
Phonetic form:
You= Yu
Are= Ar
The= Th
Best= Best
Replacing letters with runes:
Yu= Jera, Uruz
Ar= Ansuz, Raidho
Th= Thurisaz
Best= Berkana, Ehwaz, Sowilo, Tiewaz
Now that Ella had the rules and her translations written out in her notes, she was ready to compose her message on a fresh piece of parchment using the symbols. The blonde pulled one towards her and smiled a little to herself before starting. This really
was cool.
The badger worked slowly, eyes wandering from her notes, to her textbook, and back to the parchment each time she needed to write a new symbol. She was writing in her neatest handwriting too. A must, she thought.
After a while, the sixteen year old glanced down at her work and decided she was finished. Her message was done. Or...at least she thought it was done. Would Botros be coming around to check these before they gave them out? Hm.
Well, in any case, her message was
finished. Now she could move on to carving Alec's name.