post 2 Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger
She flew the dragon around for a bit before speaking again, "this was easy for him, yet now I challenge Draco, to fly through the flaming hoops." She pullled out a hoop from her bag, enlarged it, then duplicated it. Once she had four hoops she sent them up in the air, so they hovered one after the other. "incedio" she casted setting them alight. More wand work and she said "Draco fly through the hoops" and he did so, although rather awkwardy at first, not wanting to get burnt (well, that was what Sarah rationalised it as. Yet as rationalise is really rational lies, the real reason was because Sarah's mind not so clear).
Through each loop he went through, emerging at the other end... on fire. This was not part of the program, as she had charmed him not to catch fire, yet as he did, she just pretended it was part of the program. She calmly took out her wand and extinguished the flames on the dragon and then on the hoops. "the fiery hoops represents milestones in life that Hogwarts helps us through." She could think of a way to explain the fact that at the dragon caught fire until- " superior education, like that I receive at Hogwarts, guides us, making sure we don't get burnt, Unfortunately, in this case Draco messed up yet the idea is still there". Maybe the adults led him astray or something.
Were people actually watching her? She hoped she was not boring them. She was going to move onto Greg anyway then.
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