SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
NOW. Botros faced the class once again and spoke slowly with stoked excitement, "To practice writing in runes today, I want you to choose a person in this room and write them something in runes!" A word, two words, several words, a letter even! Anything that fit on a 40x40 cm piece of wood. "You should use your parchment to help you writing whatever you like, and then carve their name on the second piece of wood on your desk." Merlin knew those kids needed some help to socialize civilly among themselves. "Then fold the parchment and attach it to your piece of wood before handing it to that person." It would be a great souvenir of this class and term. Botros was big on souvenirs! "I will join you too!" He took a piece of wood and pushed the rememberall, that had sat on the desk all this time, into the drawer instead. "Let me show you how I will write the following:" He turned to the blackboard and wrote:
He was going to write something else in a minute, that was for demonstration. "Any questions? You may begin if you don't have any."
ooc: - You can use this to aid you to write in runes, but those digital 'generators' do not follow the rules the professor explained about phonetics, so pay attention to that.
- Number of posts is not determined, it's the quality of your RP that will determine the points you will earn. 
- Have fun with it! ^^ [/FONT][/INDENT]
Dylan nodded thoughtfully, his quill flying over parchment once more. He was taking all the notes, of course. Also, how awesome was this! Professor Botros was teaching them how to write in runes! Ugh, the Slytherin had always wanted to learn...and lacked real motivation to teach himself the difficult art...or whatever. So, he glanced up at at the board, jotting everything down that the Professor had notated.
SPOILER!!: Dylan's Ancient Runes Notebook!
Dylan Montmorency
Slytherin Seventh Year
Ancient Runes II: Burins and Written Runes
Writing Rules:
1. Write the word in phonetic form:
2. Replace each letter with the suitable rune:
- Pay attention to the W, J, TH, Z, X, I and NG sounds.
3. Separate words with one dot, and sentences with two dots.
Rune name / Phonetic equivalent
Kenaz.......C (hard), K
Wunjo................V, W
Isa................I (short)
Jera.....................J, Y
Eihwaz............I (long)
Algiz...................Z, X
Sowilo........C (soft), S
Once he'd finished doing that, it was time to figure out exactly what he was going to write...and who exactly he was going to write it to. Dylan glanced around the room for a few moments...seeing many options...but not being completely sold on any of them...and because he was curious...
"Professor, would those rules apply to names? I can understand with words in a letter...but when we go to carve the names of who we're giving them to...?" Dylan allowed the sentence to drop. The gist was gotten, yea?
...But then he'd had a rather brilliant idea...like most of his ideas were. Was it against the rules to do a letter for SEVERAL people at once? Dylan didn't think Professor Botros would mind too much...considering the nature of the people he was intending to write this "letter" to...
With a pleased smirk, he set to work...beginning the tedious task of writing out things and corresponding runes to letters and such. Names would come later, anyway. Oh, and something else.
"Would 'Q' be the 'ingwaz' rune?...Or would it turn into 'wunjo'?"