Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia She felt herself hit the ground - or something - with a thud, and so hopefully her plan had worked, but Penelope couldn't bring herself to move any more except to slide her arm that wasn't thrown over something up to shield her face more. Maybe she could've gotten up and tried to find another way for them to escape, but the thought of the dementors hovering over her and waiting to grab her the second she turned her face toward them encouraged her to just keep her face toward the ground. Without any other positive thoughts of rescue or escape, the horrible effect of the dementors finally took over.
All the bad things she'd like to forget, things about her family, her grandparents, her parents, her cousins, everything, flashed through her mind and overwhelmed her with all the emotions that came along with them, magnified by the lack of happy memories that the dementors made impossible to remember. She trembled slightly, partly from the emotions, partly from the cold, not even caring if it made her appear weak. She felt weak...and helpless...and miserable...and cold...
...but then...was the cold lessening or was that just.....?, it was definitely less cold now, and the thoughts...they were still there, but not as overpowering...
Penelope heard a voice, so she peered up a little and saw Melanie. No dementors. Just Melanie and - as she glanced quickly around - Alice and Alexa and the other two Gryffindors she didn't know. All safe. Thank Merlin... "Y-You're welcome, Melanie," she answered the girl, her voice small and soft, and she moved a little so that she wasn't laying on Melanie so much. The fourth year didn't get up yet though. She just...laid there and tried to gather her thoughts...
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |