SPOILER!!: Cutest First year ever
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Tobias didn't know what Minerva was saying 'wow' at, but he just left it and smiled at her. He vaguely considered explaining a little bit more about the whole flying and magic situation at home, but he'd been instructed not to go into it that much if he could help it, because apparently you never knew how people would react. Though Toby thought that EVERYONE so far was awesome and wouldn't care, but still.
"No, my grandfather wouldn't let me when I went to get my school stuff. He said we could only go in the shops for the things on the list, and afterwards he said it was because he knew I'd want a broom." And then he wouldn't be able to fly it anywhere OR bring it to Hogwarts and would be left until the start of his second year... so that was fair enough. "My birthday is at the end of September, but my family are giving me my presents in advance." Because he liked being with his family to celebrate.
At Minerva's offer he kind of looked a bit surprised and stammered slightly. "Oh... oh n-no, you... you don't ha-" But Minnie was already getting into position and suddenly all Tobias' was thinking about was flying. Right here. Right now.
Just remember to go left. Right. No, left. Left, right? Right. LEFT.
Toby was still getting confused as Minerva counted town, and he'd not yet worked it out by the time she counted down. Yet he still accelerated immediately like a cork from a bottle. He watched her as they both sped towards each other, analysing her body language in a way that he was never able to do when on the ground. She was leaning towards his right, so as soon as it was time Tobias SWERVED to the left and away from Minnie, circling round and heading back to the middle of the pitch.
Tucking end of September in her memory she was going to try to remember that next term. Make it special for him, she loved making Birthdays special. They all should be, well except her own. She didn't care to celebrate her own. Though a smile came across her face thinking about this past year. Ethan getting her Liesel. That owl was the best gift she had ever gotten. Her smile grew just thinking about that. So maybe her birthday wasn't so horrible.
She only caught a bit of him trying to tell her no to a present, but she ignored, because she loved giving gifts. It wasn't going to do any good saying no to her. She chuckled as he lifted and went to the other end of the pitch. Thankful he went the right way she laughed. This was fun even if they were on school brooms.
"Toby you are a great flyer. I can't wait to see you on your own broom. Not that these school brooms are horrible, but your own broom is much better." She missed her own broom and couldn't wait to go shopping for a new one. It just stunk that a gift from Ethan ended up broken like that.
As Tobias came back to the middle she smiled,
"Now what do you want to do bud?" They could pretty much do whatever she could even charm a quaffle if he wanted some dodging practice.