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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Text Cut: Alice's question Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Alice was still moping, 'cause she felt mopey for reasons and stuff. But staring at the Thurisaz carved into her block of wood, she started thinking about carving other runes. And.. hand up. Still quiet, but talking. "Professor, can you do bindrunes with a Burin? Or do those work better with the charm? Is there a way to, like, combine Galdr songs of two or more runes to make one with this tool? Or carve one over the other?"
Probably not, but she wanted to check to be sure.
And mope some more. She wanted to do that too. Hmm? Botros moved from the first year Hufflepuff to the oddly quiet Captain and put a hand on her shoulder as he peered to her carved rune. Thurisaz? Why not Uruz? "Binding runes is something you make, there is no solid steps as to how you bind those runes together. It depends on your intent and the type of runes you use. So before you carve the shape of the bindrunes using the Bunir, you're expected to merge the Galdr songs into one." He gave the young girl a smile and waited a moment to see if she was satisfied with this answer. Text Cut: Toby's question...kinda Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Yeah, that first line looked pretty much done, and now that he'd chanted the galdr once it seemed a lot easier to remember. All he really had to do was pay attention to how many times he had to 'aw'.
So, two more lines to carve and he wanted to make sure he had the galdr sang or chanted or whatever PERFECTLY because Tobias wanted to IMPRESS.
Even as he resumed carving, a smile was evident on Toby's face. "Okay, so... ansuz ansuz ansuz aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw..." BREEEEEEATHE "aw aw aw aw aw aw s s s s s s aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw..." BREEEEEEEATHE "... aw."
These lines were about as deep as the first one he'd carved, and the rune could definitely be classed as carved... but was it glowing?
Frowning eeeeeeeeeeever so slightly, Tobias set down the burin and leaned closer to the desk and eyyyyyyed the rune.
VERY faintly there was a... sort of glow. Tobias kind of had to cup his hands around it and it was kind of like when glowsticks or glow in the dark paint was down to its last... uh... glow. But it WAS glowing. He bounced excitedly in his chair. That was MAGIC without a WAND.
Just to be sure, Tobias raised his hand and looked around for the Botros. "Uhm, sir? Does this count? It's kinda glowing. If you look SUPER hard."
He GRINNED at the man. He'd done it, SEE? Letting go of Fischer's shoulder finally, the professor squeezed his big belly between the sitting students' shoulders and headed for the little kid. "Let's see." Ab leeeeeeeeeeaned down to the piece of wood and recognized Ansuz, "Oh! Ansuz. One of Odin's runes, I can see the glow, mhmm." More like candle flickering glow but the boy had picked an intense rune! Such ambition. Botros patted the boy's shoulder encouragingly, "It definitely counts." Good job! Text Cut: Dylan's question Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Carving........carving.........carving...........
The galdr song got repeated two more times in full, Dylan taking advantage of the last few moments to complete the activity before they moved on to something else. It was true, he really enjoyed the chanting and stuff...but hated not being able to dance with it. With the burin in hand, someone could've gotten hurt...and blah, blah, blah...
It was lame being responsible sometimes.
However, he DID complete the Dagaz rune and was now taking a much needed rest. It'd taken EFFORT to not dance....and upon further look, his rune was glowing again...Like, not obviously...but there was something there. Just like after the last lesson...and how the rune had mysteriously lit up for him...
...and he also had a question... "Will we be staining these runes, Professor?" Dylan tried to ignore the weird glow... ... oh this question didn't require him to move between the desks again. "No, Captain Montmorency, we won't be reddening them. We'll be doing something much more challenging." The old man walked back to the small dais where his desk stood upon and faced the class.
Botros was satisfied about the general outcome of most of the activity's outcome. He clapped twice, demanding everyone's attention. "Very good everyone." They carved one rune on the whole piece of wood, that was nice. Although they were going to carve a much smaller runes on the next one. "Put the Burins away for a bit and listen carefully." He moved to the blackboard and held his wand high. "We're going to do something a little bit more challenging than carve a single rune on a piece of wood and reddening it." His features lit up a bit, hoping they would like what they were about to do as much as he usually does. "We're going to write complete words in runes." How exciting! " Elder Futhark is still our alphabet of use, now pay attention." He was not going to repeat anything.
"It's not a typical translation process, you don't look for the word's meaning in the Elder Futhark - you simply replace the modern letters with the equivalent ones from the ancient alphabet." That was rule number one.
"Second rule is that we use the phonetic form of the word when we're converting to Futhark. For example, the word 'have' is written as 'hav' in Futhark. You do not write the 'e' at all." Pause. Everyone was writing notes? Yeeeees? Good. "That being said, remember to keep only one letter if there are double letters in a word. We write 'happy', for example, as 'hapy'." Phonetic form of the word only.
"Third note is that the ancient Scandanavian folk, from which most of the runic alphabets are taken from, pronounced sounds differently from us. For example, they do not have the sound the letter 'w' makes. Therefore, 'w' is written as a 'v' when you're translating into Futhark." Professor Vinteren and Romanos, anyone? "Same goes with 'J', write it as 'y'." He started writing those down on the blackboard.
"Also the sound 'th', as in 'thing' is written as the single rune Thurisaz, not a combination of Tiwaz and Hagalaz." Botros wrote that down and turned back to the students. "The sound 'ng' in 'thing', is written as a single Ingwaz, too, and not Nauthiz and Gebo." He wrote that too. Quote:
Originally Posted by The Blackboard Write in Runes For beginners Steps: 1. Write the word in phonetic form: Ex: HAPPY = HAPY, THE = TH. 2. Replace each letter with the suitable rune: - Pay attention to the W, J, TH, Z, X, I and NG sounds. 3. Separate words with one dot, and sentences with two dots. Rune name - Phonetic equivalent
Kenaz.......C (hard), K
Wunjo................V, W
Isa................I (short)
Jera.....................J, Y
Eihwaz............I (long)
Algiz...................Z, X
Sowilo........C (soft), S
Othala....................O NOW. Botros faced the class once again and spoke slowly with stoked excitement, "To practice writing in runes today, I want you to choose a person in this room and write them something in runes!" A word, two words, several words, a letter even! Anything that fit on a 40x40 cm piece of wood. "You should use your parchment to help you writing whatever you like, and then carve your name (the sender's name) on the second piece of wood on your desk." Merlin knew those kids needed some help to socialize civilly among themselves. "Then fold the parchment and attach it to your piece of wood before handing it to that person." It would be a great souvenir of this class and term. Botros was big on souvenirs! "I will join you too!" He took a piece of wood and pushed the rememberall, that had sat on the desk all this time, into the drawer instead. "Let me show you how I will write the following:" He turned to the blackboard and wrote: Quote:
Originally Posted by The Blackboard 
ODIN = Othala, Dagaz, Isa, Nauthiz 
Botros = Berkana, Othala, Tiewaz, Raidho, Othala, Sowilo He was going to write something else in a minute, that was for demonstration. "Any questions? You may begin if you don't have any." ooc: - You can use this to aid you to write in runes, but those digital 'generators' do not follow the rules the professor explained about phonetics, so pay attention to that.
- Number of posts is not determined, it's the quality of your RP that will determine the points you will earn.
- Everyone, you can use this to help you make your own graphics of the runic letter/line you're writing. Making your own graphics will probably earn you more points. 
- Have fun with it! ^^
Last edited by Magical Soul; 07-24-2013 at 07:26 PM.