Post 1 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
It was a little unusual for Wade to be this quiet during the class. His mind was merely on jotting down the notes and instructions. They were going to be carving, and that always required a lot of brow furrowing and concentration from Wade.. It was a good thing he wasn't tired.
Okie doke, now he could don his gloves and decide on the rune to carve. Flipping through his textbook to the appropriate section, his hazel eyes scanned the text. Wade always liked to pick the runes that suited him and his feelings, and right now.. Heh. He knew 'Dagaz' was going to be the one to carve given everything. A fresh start and new beginnings.. Yep.
Right, now to take that piece of wood and start some serious carving. His gloves were still on as he picked up the Burin.