SPOILER!!: Harvey
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Harvey saw her eyebrow his comment, darn the ice cream for doing that. He then looked at his shoes not wanting to say more on that and ruin his chances of fuly fixing things before he left. He didn't have much time either, about over a year to go and that was not a long time. He then smiled as she grinned at him, at least he had gone right with that comment he was glad. "It is? So I guess I need to do some quidditching too, get myself strong like you. I must remember that for next term." he said nodding about the term that he didn't wanna think about just yet. it was his last one ever here at Hogwarts, he looked down at his shoes at this she didn't need to see his thoughts right now.
He nodded as she said that waiting until the last minute would be bad cause it would be everyone knew that. "Yes it would be quite a bad decision cause then you would be more stressed then necessary." and he knew that no one wanted to see her stressed. He smiled as she said that as long as her team was happy so was she, well her team was happy it seemed. "Well they definitely do seem like a happy team, so I guess you are doing the right things when it comes to your team." he was glad to see that as he wasn't sure he would want to hear being criticised for her job as captain, but he wasn't gonna tell her that. He stepped back a bit as she did reliving he was overstepping her boundaries, he took another couple of steps backwards for good measure and leaned against the wall listening as she thanked him, but he was only half listening. He nodded along "Umm no worries, well I would be lying if I said that your experience in playing the game hasn't made you a good captain" he nodded. Not saying anymore than that as he hasn't heard the rest. He smiled a little and nodded as she said that she would keep his next comment in mind, cause that was a good thing...right?
He nodded as she said that it was good Mins was helping him get sorted out "Yeah it is, Im glad she is. She has always been there for me no matter how upset or mad I made her she stuck by me. I need to thank her for that somehow" he said as he looked at the ground after he saw her shuffling. Maybe it was best to stare at the floor as he listened, yup that sounded like a good idea. "Hmm?" he said as she called out his name before continuing. He nodded in agreement with her "Yup we have, that's what I mean...you know?" he said changing the meaning of his statement immediately "Like when we first met you seemed like this little shy second year, and look at you now. You have gained so much confidence since then, so smart and captain of a Quidditch team. All of this in the short 3yrs I've known you, just imagine what else you might manage to do in the next two years. " he couldn't believe how much she had changed and stayed the same, he could see now that they were on different pages of a book. Though he didn't like that it was something that he was going to accept, cause it was good to grow as much as she did as that meant that she would be a successful witch when she would get older.
He had become lost in those thoughts that kinda made him realise that they may have grown too far apart that he may not be able to fix things between them before he leaves school, which he had to admit was quite painful to realise. He was then nudged suddenly, his favourite thing in the world, a nudge from Ella. But he was too sad for that nudge to bring out his usual smile in him that he just nodded and walked along with her. "Yeah...er we best get going. You got studying to catch up on Im sure" plus she would be able to hide from Harvey for a while until they hung out next time....right? He continued to look down as he listened to what she was saying and nodded along to show that he was listening cause he was.
Ella nodded, watching Harvey thoughtfully.
"You should try out next term. It'd be good for you, I think." Much better than the other stuff she'd heard he'd been doing. She didn't approve of that stuff. It wasn't healthy. She also didn't understand why the boy was looking at his shoes like that. Was he upset about something? It sure seemed like it though she couldn't be sure what it was.
"I guess so." They
did seem happy, the team, and just thinking about them got Ella smiling. She was really lucky to be able to have people like that in her life. Seriously, she appreciated them lots. Ella watched as Harvey then retreated towards the wall, leaning against it. She hadn't meant to make him feel bad but there were just things that couldn't happen and he needed to realize that. She bit her lip as she listened to his reply, knowing his heart didn't seem to be in what he was saying. He seemed to be thinking of other things and she wasn't sure she wanted to know what they were so she didn't ask.
"I think she'd like it if you did." Thank Minnie, she meant.
"Not that she doesn't know how much she means to you. You guys are best friends." That sort of thing was usually understood without having to say it outright. As for the other stuff, the stuff about how much Ella had changed, the blonde shrugged.
"I think...I just grew up, is all. And maybe I'm a bit more comfortable in my own skin now? I don't know." It was weird, how that happened. She still remembered dancing around the courtyard with excitement and being caught by Max when she was little. It was weird how much time had passed since then.
As they walked, Ella watched Harvey out of the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure what he'd expected to happen when he saw her but now he looked downright gutted. The blonde felt bad because she realized this probably had something to do with her...and them. She didn't know how to make him feel better, though.
"Y'know, if you're free this summer you should stop by the zoo. I think I'll be volunteering there again and friends are always stopping by." She offered as they continued down the hallway. At least...the option was out there. See? She still wanted to be friends.