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Hearing a familiar voice, Tobias turned towards the speaker, nudging his broom so he could face her. It was Min, and Toby gave her a smile.
"Hi! Ahh, just flying practice and stuff, I guess," he shrugged, and then figured he had better elaborate anyway. "I know we don't have games, but I won't be able to fly at home, and I don't want to wait 'til September to do it again. Plus, gotta practice to get better, right?"
He let his broom drift a teeny bit further forwards before sliding so he was clinging to it but upside down, like a sloth. Toby hung that way for a minute before he put on a burst of speed, pulled himself up closer to the broom and swung back the right way round before circling back to Minerva. "Sure, I'd love to fly with you! I need to practice broom control, and diving and turning and agility and stuff," Tobias explained, letting go of the broom so he was controlling it with his knees while he quickle stretched his arms and stuff.
"Avoiding bludgers, you know?"
Minerva smiled as Toby turned,
"You're such an awesome player. Great addition to the team this term." She was proud of the first years. They were an awesome bunch.
"Why can't you fly at home? Are we still going to go broom shopping like we said when I broke mine?" It was him wasn't it that she said she would go with or was that Kace, either way she would go with both.
She watched as he flew away. He was so good, she wouldn't even fly upside down like that. No way, but at the moment she didn't have her broom and was still a bit shaky from that injury a few matches ago so she was jut there to take it easy. Oh he got injured didn't he,
"How is the knee by the way?" He seemed to be doing alright, those bludgers did hurt. Her hand went to her head thinking about it.
"Yeah I've been hit by them so many times. This past match is the first injury free match for me. It shocked me as much as the goal did."
What could they do first,
"How about I go to the other end and we fly at each other you make sure you go left and I'll go right when we get close, but it will help with speed and not colliding into another player if you're going head first at them." That was important not to hit anyone so you wouldn't get hurt either.