Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion Text Cut: Oakey Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE Yeah it wasn't winter anymore, and you don't really fires for April nights, but it was better to keep that stocked right? The wood that Firth gave him at the start of the term was running low. So Oakey went down to pay Mr.Firth a visit. He almost passed by the Pen when he heard song. He had never heard it before, and the accent singing it was unmistakable. He moved over to the fence and gave the Groundskeeper a wave. "Hello, Mr. Firth." Oakey called out to grab his attention. Were some of the things Mr.Firth even singing words? "Tha's a good girl," he said as Bonny made her way over towards her human. "Drink up," he said, patting her gently on the side. "An' where's--?"
He never finished his question due to someone greeting him. Who was it? Turning towards the newcomer, Firth was pleased to see the Head Boy. "Oakey! Good ter see yeh! Yeh come ter visit Truebee or are yeh jus' on a walk?"
__________________  Thanks, Kitakins <3 |