For all of you! | Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes
So she packed some of the items but not all and grabbed a pastry for herself before taking a set at the table, looks like they had to wait to be called on to go down there according to this Aron dude. he sounded odd, why not clean it up now, why let the place fill with chemicals for a week!? it was odd, very odd, but the girl wouldn't say anything, mainly cause no one knew of her science genius self, and she wanted to keep it that way.
Noting the look she got from her department head she assumed it was her job to move the meeting along.. or end it.. whatever.. heh, why not meet everyone. "Do keep eating, we have the room for just a short while longer so might as well make the most of it. Hi, Im Athena Smith, I work down in the daycare center." cue awkward coffee sip. "might as well get to know one another hmm?" so come on on, someone take the all before she calls you out.
Last edited by JennMarie; 07-19-2013 at 05:50 PM.