SPOILER!!: Aidannnn
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She had a point. Lex was smart enough not to waste her time on potentially disgusting candy when there were others that were guaranteed delicious to eat. Like sugar quills and peppermint toads and, of course, chocolate frogs.
But then again, this was her idea.
Blink. Lex's ice cream was gone. She didn't have to eat THAT much. Merlin. And she better not think that, should she come across another disgusting bean, she was going to eat his ice cream. No way.
Now the white bean. Aidan watched curiously as she ate it. ...Mint? He smirked. "Good thing, too, you needed it." A breath freshener after the vomit. Sure, there was ice cream, but nothing beat a mint, right?
His turn. He put the orange bean in his mouth and puckered immediately after the first bite. "Ear wax," he informed Lex. She was still writing these down, right? This was need-to-know information.
Yeah...she saw the look he had when he found out she'd eaten all her ice-cream. It was hers to finish, wasn't it? He might have eaten his whole bowl too if he'd eaten a vomit flavoured bean. How did one stop after just two or three spoonsful of ice-cream? Easy, you didn't.
Lex updated the list while she waited on him to tes the orange one. Maybe she should have given him that amber looking one, orange couldn't have been all that bad. Could have been some citrus fruit of some kind--
Puckered lips and a few seconds without words. She sat forward, quill ready and an eyebrow raised. It couldn't have been a good flavour judging by his reaction but
what flavour was it?...Ear wax?
Sniiicker. Not nearly as bad as vomit but she'd take it.
"You gonna be needing that ice-cream then?" That wasn't exactly something you wanted lingering even after you've swallowed.
"And you never picked my next flavour." Or was he tired of not knowing what else he'd run into?
needed to find the chocolate flavour but she had a feeling that brown one might have been MUD. Uuuuugh.