You guys! ^_^ urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse So Minnie had a new way of greeting people. ... Or... Wade. And did she call him a Kitty? Alec grinned before giving her a wave, "Hey Minnie! Hey Cur- Wade!" His nickname for Wade was going to remain a secret for a little while longer. Just a little. Who knows if the dude approved of being Curly Wade. Or Curly Fries... because Curly Chips just sounded weird.
Also, Minnie was talking about cooking? REALLY? GRIN. "That sounds awesome! FOOD! "If you need help, let me know, yeah?" But he was going to stay as far away from cracking eggs as possible.
The raised eyebrow look on his girlfriend's face was enough to make the boy grin sheepishly and ruffle his hair, messing it up even more. He probably couldn't hide his reason for coming quite a bit later than her, even if he tried. She knew way too much about his hair obsession regime. "Anytime, Ells!" GRIN.
And they were meant to be stretching, yeah? He reached up his hands and stood on the tip of his toes, trying to reach as far up as possible. Stretch... streeeeeeetch... Oh look! More people... person... YEAH! "Hey Oakster!" GRIN! And the idea of little Tobias doing sprints made the older boy grin even more. He had a good question too!
... OH! His trainers were being complimented? "Hey Kace!" Kace and Tobias... were they close? Tight? Bros? Brethren? ... Anyways... "Thanks, mate! I like yours too!" GRIN. Streeeeeetch...
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