SPOILER!!: Bunz and Oakey
Oh right, they had been interrupted by those evil goblins. "Right... well, I'd suggest going back to her again if you have the time. Healing's not a bad profession to enter, Minerva. I bid you good luck with it." Bunz forced a smile on her face despite the girl's weirdness and giggling... seemed like she needed a Healer more than she needed to become one... and turned back to Oakey.
"That sounds like a fine idea then," Anastasia replied with a curt nod. A detention with Flamsteed? The man actually gave out detentions? She wondered what the Head Boy had done to burst his perpetual bubble of happiness. Must have been something serious, hmm. "I see," was all she said though, not curious enough to pry.
Something was funny, was it? The redhead quirked an eyebrow in the Hufflepuff's direction. "If there's nothing further, you two, I should be going now...."
Minerva kept the goofy smile on her face.. Oakey and Truebridge sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S ew that was just gross even to think about.. A student kissing the headmistress... Weird... Oakey was weird... but whatever he just better not her Ariana.. She rolled onto her toes and back to her heels when the Headmistress talked about Healing being a good professor..
"Yes ma'am.. I think it will be.. I love helping people." She giggled at the word.. Helping.. people.. She could help right now.. Maybe tell the headmistress Oakey had a crush save her from reading the elementary school note.
Sighing thinking about going to see the healer again.. She got mean with Min last time she was there, but maybe if she takes her ice cream the healer would be nicer.. Yes that's exactly what Min decided she would do..
Looking at Oakey as he questioned her Minerva just smiled..
"Ooooohhhh nothing... I'll leave you two alone.." More giggles..
"Have a fabulous day and thank you headmistress for your time." With a nod and wave she bounced away.