Minerva skipped down towards the Willow. Her team was going to go for a jog, how awesome was that.. She was excited to do more as a team. If she wasn't hanging out with her hot keeper boy there was no one else she wanted to spend time with than her team. Walking up behind them she jumped ruffling Wades hair,
"Kitty Wade... The rest of you awesome badgers." Were they running around the tree or from the tree? That would be a good workout, but she figured Ella would flip if she suggested it so she just bounced a bit and waited to start.
Oh.. maybe she should stretch.. Yes stretching was good and she remembered water in her bag. Pulling out a few bottles,
"Brought a few from my trunk if anyone wants one." Maybe when they were done they could go have a team lunch in the kitchen. She would so make the food if they wanted and after they could have ice cream, because that was a great team bonding experience.
"Hey when we're done.. Let's go to the kitchen and I'll make everyone something to eat." because that was an awesome thought and she had to say awesome thoughts.