DADA assignment thingy urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Was he late? YEAH. ... Probably.
Mentally cursing his need to sort out his hair every so often, Alec rushed down towards the Whomping Willow, his bottle of water clutched in his hand. He was sure he had seen the notice pretty early on. Maybe. He was dating the Captain, after all.
And speaking of the Captain, hopefully she wouldn't be too mad at him if he turned up lateish. There were hair reasons involved, after all. And ice cream reasons from an hour ago.
Nearing the Whomping Willow, the sixteen year old grinned as he spotted the rest of the team and headed over towards them. "Hey, you guys!" he said, coming to a stop right near Kace and grinning round at them all, "Awesome idea for a run, Ells!" And... there were still people left to come so... that meant that he wasn't too late, yeah? And was his hair okay?
Also, he wasn't promoting Nike. Just saying.
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