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Kace decided to go and explore the butterfly garden. He found it peaceful to find these delicate beautiful creatures all contained in one garden. He heard one fly by him and one touched his nose! He smiled and tried to grab it but he didn't manage to get it.
"Hey get back here you!" he said playfully. Next thing you know it, he was running around chasing butterflies. I mean how cute could this little guy get? He was laughing, giggling and having a blast.
Ronnie cautiously walked along the butterfly garden, making sure to keep a safe distance away from the creatures. Butterflies...for some reason, they spooked her out. Sure, they were pretty, but only when they were a good hundred feet away from her. Heh. The only reason she had come to the garden was to just walk around and admire the plants.
And what's this? A boy. Chasing butterflies. The red head couldn't help but chuckle to herself at how adorable he looked trying to get it. She made her way over to him and looked down at him. Ronnie had seen this boy around Hogwarts a lot, but had never spoken to him.
"Hello there," she said with a smile.