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Rusty was dressed as a ninja.
Rusty had his arms full.
Of a stupefied and unconscious Persephone.
Which, really, while it was necessary given the circumstances, was a lot closer and more intimate than he'd expected to get with any of his co-workers in the first week. He'd apparated in the arrival areas in the Atrium of course, and then, thinking that it was stupid to take her to the healer just to get rennervated when he could do that much himself (and potentially embarrassing to boot), Rusty had disillusioned Sephy and simply carried her to level 3. Maybe there'd be a room somewhere that was empty where she could wake up and not have an audience asking questions or wanting explanations.
And by the way it was supremely awkward sharing the lift part of the way with an unaware Ministers Office employee while he had to pretend like he wasn't holding his arms out strangely or dressed as a ninja. Just saying.
This looked like a likely room choice... he nudged the door open and glanced around. Nobody in sight. Perfect. Oh and crash pads. Also perfect. You never knew how a woman would react when you brought her back from unconsciousness, and he'd prefer a softer landing if she did manage to lay him out or something.
He put her down on one of the crash pads, stood well back, and then flicked his wand at her, a silent rennervate to wake her up.
... and still dressed as a ninja.
And then she was awake. Huzzah! Sephy stirred, rolling to her side and mumbling something incoherent about breakfast. What? Being a ninja was tiring work, obviously. That's when she became aware of the pain in her head. Must've been from the fall. Would she be allowed sue? Now THAT was the question. Though MLE might not be so happy to support her case considering she helped kidnap their Head Auror.
And muggle lawyers weren't exactly going to think she was sound of mind, now were they? 'Oh yeah, I was dancing around in a forest dressed as a ninja, oh yeah yeah, just a typical Wednesday for me. Anyway, while we were kidnapping this twenty something year old woman, I got hit with a stunning spell and ya know, hit my head. I'm entitled to compensation, right?' Yeaaaaaaah, that wasn't really gonna work.
Sephy pushed herself up into a sitting position and side-glanced at Rusty. There were a lot of things that she probably should say. Like, 'Oh hi there. Thanks for not allowing me to become hostage.' Or 'thanks for being a living and breathing alarm clock.' Something along the lines of that. Instead, she said,
"You could've at least bought me dinner first," and stood up, shaky in the knees.
Yeah. This was a bad day. And it was going to get worse. The moment she'd take off this stupid mask, she was
bound to have an afro that would take a million showers to tame.