SPOILER!!: Big Brother Bestie and Boyfriend
Originally Posted by
Charely Potter
Sure, Wade can leave.. But no, he had been of age since the winter break and there's nothing that could make him live leaving his friends and superiors behind.. Even if one of his friends was singing his lullaby while petting him. Oakey Pokey then.. "I thought that was for boggarts.." Wade softly muttered, mainly to himself.. Then again, he daydreamed a lot secretly in classes..
Anyways, kudos for Minnie for reminding him of another happy thought before the dread on seeing everyone around him affected by the dementors could take a greater toll on him. That ice cream party with his teammates.. you know, before some people got in trouble. Yeah, we were all together, eating gummy worms and pickles and ice cream while Minnie sang in the freezing morning. Ice cream was the good kind of cold, not this. Aiming his wand directly, he gave it another shot. "Expecto PATRONUM!" No, it wasn't quite Corporeal yet, but he could see the legs on that floating puff of smoke that flew and dissappeared.. Unlike that corporeal raven-shape from someone's patronus that floated right after.
Originally Posted by
His heart thudding in his chest, Ethan sprinted away from his assigned station in the direction of the seating area and where he was sure he had heard his girlfriend scream. He had a horrible sense of dread, feeling like there was danger.. a sense that only grew heavier as he approached.
The sadness in the air was almost palpable and through the large crowd that gathered he could see there was actually a dementor. A dementor at Hogwarts. Ethan's widened eyes fixed on the creature as he neared, his trembling hand still gripping his wand. He tore his eyes away from it to glance around at the faces.. several of the student leaders were here already.. and Minerva. Thank Merlin, she was alright.
He slipped into the spot next to her, giving her an apprehensive sort of look, then turned back to try to assess the scene. He knew how to cast a patronus, had even sent one to Bentley, but to cast one against an actual dementor? He wasn't so sure he could do that. Charms had never been his strong suit and the oppressive sense of hopelessness weighed on him too heavily.. how was he to think of anything happy enough now?
Ethan stood a bit feebly, just staring at the thing. If all the other leaders weren't able to drive it away with a patronus, what good would he do? He felt like doing nothing more than curling up into a little ball, then he heard a soft voice singing next to him. He gave her a little smile, he loved to hear her sing. Maybe he could find something somewhere in the recesses of his mind that were happy enough.. though all that was coming to mind were horrifying screams.. fire.. insects crawling in ice cream.
He closed his eyes, focusing on nothing but the singing voice next to him. She was his world.. their first date.. his muggle challenge.. skiing in the Alps.. that lecture.. He almost managed a chuckle at the last thought and knew that was his best chance. He pointed his wand at the dementor and opened his mouth.. but heard the voice of the Slytherin captain and saw his very bright patronus first. He was a bit awestruck for a moment.. but kept his wand pointed. That would be enough to drive it away, yeah? And then everyone could get inside to safety. If not, he'd try to cast his as well..
Poor Wade.. Poor.. poor Kitty Wade his arm had to have nail marks in it by now from the grip Minerva had on it. She wasn't letting go. Her strength and brain were because his voice brought her out of her down hill spiral and she was still standing from thoughts of being strong for a certain claw boy that she needed to stay at his station where he was safe. She then noticed someone or something beside her and jumped pulling her wand up, but then lowered when she saw Ethan. ETHAN O.o no he was not here.. He was not near the danger.. Not this again.. Not this feeling of torture, him in danger, her not able to help. Her mind was heading down that down hill again, but she just kept the singing going. When she heard Wade,
"No.. any situation.. She was doing boggart, because who would put that onto a student for practice." She pointed at the dementor.
"Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur.. Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr." She was going to keep this up. People thought she was crazy for singing this most of term, but look now people.. Using class work to good use.. Yes.. see laugh at crazy Min.. Laugh and send these freaking patronuses out to get rid of mean, creepy, soul sucking dementors out of here. Her mama Hadley had to hear her singing.. She had to.. She wanted to scream again, but she wouldn't she would just keep singing.
"Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur. " Come on.. come on.. She inched from Wade to Ethan and gripped his arm with her nails.
Sorry Ethan
As for the students trying to get her to leave.. Not happening when her Mama Hadley was there and she was feeling helpless again..