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Mo shoved it deep into the nearest bale and flung loose the soft dry hay bound tightly within it. "Everyone should get a turn," he informed grumpy-faced Gryffindor Amazon women numbers 1 and 2. Lex and Alice. Lex's grumpy face he understood, but Alice... what was she being grumpy about?
He offered the pitchfork to Alice. "This is how we take turns, Alexa Cambridge. I got a chance and now Ace is gonna go."
"Tell him before Mr. Firth takes him away, okay? Make sure he knows you love him and you didn't want to leave him and that people will be nice to him wherever he's go-" Alice was going to continue walking Bonny through this step by step, just to make sure baby cow didn't feel abandoned, before Mo said her name. Huh?
She stopped pretending to fuss with the cow's hay and ceased her rambling about parents leaving before turning back to Mo.
"Pitchfork! Thanks, Cactus." Grabbing for it eagerly, Alice waved to Bonny- she got the point, didn't she? Don't ditch the calf- and moved back over to the hay, beginning to shove it into bales and fling loose the tighter straw.
"Am I doing this right?" Sure she was.