Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Oomph. Anddddd Anya was being dragged. All she was really hinting was that she needed a jacket...
... well... she also wanted away from the creepy grass. But she hadn't voiced that.
So... they were going inside right? And find a nice cozy...
Depression. ... it was cold and sad over here. Whycouldn'tJakejusttakeherNOTtowardthe... ... creepy...? Waitwhut?
... that was a... and Jake was failing at...
She smacked Dylan's arm as hard as her sad arm would allow her. Heh. That was convenient that he was there. "I know you can do one." Because she couldn't. Nor had she ever tried. And frankly... the thought of having to do one scared her into not ever wanting to try.
... that was helpful, right? She could also scream. ... or would that cause panic?
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________  _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |