No offense taken. ;) Jake deserved it Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo ... Ten points?
Jake's jaw went slack. Just as a puff of dirt exploded right in front of him. He coughed, letting go of Zahra with one hand to cover his mouth. While he was at it, he maneuvered his other arm so that he could set the first year on the ground. "Sorry, kid," he muttered to her so that nobody would hear. He didn't want any more points taken.
Although. He had a few choice arguments that he wished he could respond to the professor with. For one, he didn't offer himself up. And another, it wasn't for someone's personal gain. Well. It was, sort of, but education was a good thing. And he was paying attention to the lesson. And helping an easily-distracted kid do so as well. A defeated-but-slightly-indignant look on his face, Jake folded his arms and side-stepped closer to Anya.
And. Ew. Cow babies? Jake personally thought that not being tall enough to see over the crowd would be a good thing in this case. But still, he didn't say a word. He'd pay attention and do good and earn those ten points back.
__________________ COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |