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Notes. Seriously they took way to long to write and it was because of that, that Nessie was kinda behind with everything going on. But she had half heard what the Professor said and what she did know was that she needed a partner.
Maybe too late for that? Or was there someone not partnered? Hmmm.
The Hufflepuff scanned around the classroom with a pout, realizing how far behind she actually really was. She'd missed out a whole step and that really wasn't good considering the year she was in, but catch up. If she was fast at that she'd surely be fine...just not today, because she couldn't work at her own pace she needed someone to work with her.
So anyone was as slow as her and needed a partner? Anyone?
Tobias had been keeping quiet since his last answer had been so disastrously wrong. He'd been completely serious but noooooooooo it had been wrong. But that was fine. He'd been sitting staring at both of his hands since he'd answered that even through everyone else answering and then partnering up. Now he realised he was lagging behind. Oooooops.
Glancing around in a minor panic, worried that there would be nobody to partner up with, Tobias saw the Head Girl. Perfect; Nessie seemed to think he was cute AND she'd answered just like he had... so that was perfect.
Looking around all shiftily, Tobias picked up his parchment, ink and quill and then sloooooooowly began to sink lower in his chair. Soon the top of his head cleared the desk and he hand completely disappeared from sight.
A few seconds later Tobias appeared in the seat next to Renesmee this time rising up from under the desk until he was sat comfortably in the chair.
Master of stealth.
"Partner?" he piped up suddenly, giving the head girl a GRIN.