*eyes my previous post* I always think Blue is a Prefect >_< Sorry! Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo Jake fidgeted with the scarf in his hands, waiting for Nessie to explain the rules of the game so he could do his end of the deal. He couldn't really do anything else... the girls had the instructions taken care of, and there was no way that he would volunteer to race somebody that was here alone. He wouldn't put a bug in his mouth for any reason ever.
Thankfully, a voice distracted him from feeling sort of useless and thinking about bugs. "Hey, love," he said, a smile instantly brightening his expression when he saw Anya approach. He was glad to see that his girlfriend decided to join the fun... or at least keep him company. Not that the Ravenclaw Captain and the Head Girl weren't nice company... but nobody in their right mind would complain about girlfriend!company.
Taking the cup she offered to him, Jake inspected it. "I have no idea," he answered. He wasn't in charge of the food. He knew Anya expected a better answer, though, so he dipped his tongue into the cup and tried a bit of whatever was in it. After a moment of tasting, he shook his head. "No dirt."
However, there were gummy worms. Thankfully this candy!bug, he knew for certain, didn't have real bugs in it. And it wasn't detailed enough to actually look like a worm. So he could eat it with no issues whatsoever. Which he did.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |