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Old 07-08-2013, 08:16 PM
Erindipity Erindipity is offline
Default 25 Lovely Lyrics for a Lioness SA 13+

Image courtesy of Samia the Great!

Hello, Hi, HOW ARE YA? I'm Erin (if you couldn't tell from my UN ) and I am going to pay homage to my favorite little lioness, Lexi Umbridge (nee Kennedy) here with 25 Song Drabbles. These will span her whole life... so some may be SUPER sappy. You have been warned.

And yeah... I don't own the fabulous world of HP, JK Rowling does, my brain is just happy visiting once in a while.

Track List:

1. Nobody's Perfect - Jessie J
2. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
3. Way We were - Barbara Streisand
4. Release Me - Wilson Phillips

Nobody's Perfect

"When I'm nervous I have this thing yeah I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone anyone who'll listen..."

Lexi wrung her hands together as she looked into the mirror. Could she do this? Was she ready? Shaking her hands out, rolling her shoulders she brushed hair from her eyes and practiced a smile. Would anyone believe it? Likely they wouldn’t even notice her strain.

Orlando would see through her fake smiles and know what to say. But after today she wouldn’t see him all too often, would she? Her chin shook slightly as she pulled her dress robes round tight. Time to say goodbye to Hogwarts, to her friends… and hello to the future. If she didn’t fail.