❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Floating plants with their exposed roots galore! The term was quickly coming to a finish. Beezus tried hard not to think of the fact that this was going to be their last Herbology lesson but it was hard, especially when Professor Bentley's large belly was in your near vicinity - the fetus was going to make its way out to the world soon and would later be called a baby.....this only constituted to the nagging feeling that the school year was going to end in a few.
Beezus sighed, pushing the pair of reading glasses up on her nose bridge. She bowed slightly at the woman and said, "Good day, Professor Bentley. Baby..." Beezus offered her a smile before the brunette went to take a seat.
And wait.
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