*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! ; Wonderful Tonight This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me
And then she asks me
Do you feel alright
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight This party was boring, and so very formal. He didn't want to be here. Orlando was just smiling and shaking hands, talking about his work - checking his watch for the time again and again. There was restlessness in him - a restlessness with a reason.
His wife was that reason. His eyes searched for her and then realized, she was just there, smiling and talking to people. His eyes followed her as she walked around the room, unable to resist. While everyone there marveled at his photography pasted all around the room, he marveled at how beautiful she was.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |