>_< ½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Well, people had sure arrived quickly and Elise had barely even but her small chest of scarves down when they did. Looking around and recognizing a few faces, she smiled at each of them and pulled out a scarf for them each. It was when they spoke up and asked how to play the game that Elise's hand started shaking. Was she supposed to answer? Because she was bad at the whole verbal communication thing, in case people hadn't noticed. Thank Merlin Nessie spoke up when she did or who knew what would have happened.
Smiling gratefully at the Head Girl, Elise held the scarves up, tossed one at her that she was slightly less worried about. Not that she didn't worry, just slightly less. It was a stretchy scarf, and it was much less likely to tear than the ones she was holding and if anyone ripped her scarf, she would do things that were best not mentioned out loud. "Like Nessie said, you guys are essentially going to move the cockroach clusters from point A to point B with your mouths." No hands, because Elise now had a new box of contact lenses and she could see them.
Now, were they ready to have their hands tied behind their backs?