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Old 07-08-2013, 12:50 AM
Samia Samia is offline
Default 25 Songs For The Renaldi - Sa 13+

Hi there. I am Samia and this SS25 is for my character family, the Renaldi's.
I originally started with a character in the SRPG and how he and his family evolved, I am not even sure xD
I just know they all have songs of their own now. And this is me, getting them all out.
Thank you for reading <3

I do not own the world of Harry Potter and any references to
it are purely fanbased. All those rights belong to the
one and only JK Rowling.

Listen To The Playlist.

; Drops Of Jupiter

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the milky way

Graduation was done, Hogwarts was done. He was going to meet his best friend, Katie Mae.

When he did see her, Orlando was taken aback, for reasons he wasn't sure of. He had never seen her skate. And now that he did, his eyes gleamed. It was, as if, the wind danced with her, complimented her - Orlando wasn't sure how to find words to explain - it had been too long since he had seen her, maybe that was what caused the heartache.

His lips pulled into a smile though, and arms opened wide when she finally saw him.