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Old 07-06-2013, 09:57 PM   #214 (permalink)
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Alexander River Hirsch
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Default Post #8; Astronomy Lesson 3
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: Girlfriend!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
It was a bit cold, y'know. Cold enough so that Ella scooted closer to Alec and rested her head on his arm as she scanned the sky for Polaris. It wasn't too cold for ice cream, though. She was still craving that. Why is it they couldn't have ice cream in class again? Frown.

"Usually, yeah." That's just how Ella had practiced finding Polaris and she had yet to change her method. "You usually do something different?" Cause she wouldn't mind trying it his way, y'know. Alec ways were almost surely better than Ella ways.

So that was Polaris, then? BEAM! And now Alec was pointing too. The sixteen year old tilted her head and nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! That's it!" Which meant it was sextant time, yeah?

The blonde got a hold of hers and moved it so that she could get an accurate measurement. Or accurate as she could considering she'd never used the thing before today's lesson.

Brow furrowed, she tilted her head and announced, "I got seventy this time." For the sextant angle, that is. "So I guess that means the latitude for my reading would be twenty." Cause 90-70 was 20 and yeah...seemed legit. The blonde quickly scribbled that down in her notes before turning her attention back to Alec.

"What did you get?"

She was doing that moving closer thing, Ells was. And Alec didn't mind at all because it meant that he could just wrap his arms around the girl, which he ended up doing. This... was nice, actually. Really really nice. Could they stay out here for a little longer or...?

Probably not.

"Oh! It's an interesting method..." And it looked like it had worked too because they had found the Big Dipper! As for his methods... "Yeah! I usually find Cassiopeia first and then go from the top middle point of the 'W' and... yeah..." Did all of that make sense? It kind of did to him.

But it didn't look as if either methods mattered because they had still managed to find the Big and Little Dippers, which Ells confirmed. "Awesome!" he said, grinning up at the sky. ... And... there was Polaris too! Right over THERE! Point point.

He set up the sextant object and peeked through towards the horizon. There. He held down on the clamp and, some small adjustments later, Polaris was lined up with the horizon. The clamp was released and he tilted his head to read off the angle. Okay... note taking and calculations time, right?

Scribble... scribble... scribble...

Latitude = 90 degrees - sextant angle
Latitude = 90 - 38
Latitude = 52
BLINK. Alec looked up from his piece of parchment as soon as he had finished scribbling in the '2'. She had gotten 20 for her latitude? "Yeah? I got 52 for the latitude," he said, stealing a quick glance at his parchment before looking up again, "Is it meant to be far off?"
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