Kurumi made her way towards her usual seat in the front of the stands after having paid to enter. She had sort of been putting off attending matches this year because, well, she was still a university student and despite both her and Lewis having steady part time jobs...that money really only covered rent and a few other small expenses. Walnut's food among them. They had their own tiny vegetable garden on the veranda of their place, so that helped cut down on expenses a tad. Although Lewis had seemed to be a bit more concerned with funds recently. Saving more than Kurumi thought to be entirely necessary, but she figured he was just being cautious in case something unexpected came up.
Selina and Mortimer connecting with the wall on girls' night for example.
This spot alright?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at her best friend. Really, it was because of Selina she was here now. Girls' day out. It had been far too long since they had had one of these together and it was nice to be out of the apartment and away from the books.