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"Cookies sound good. And I'll get you milk in a sippy cup." She clearly still was not over pinching. Delicate skin and all.
Next was sextant usage. Alice lifted up the device to her eye, using the clamps and adjusts to make sure Polaris was the reference point, because there was no sun in sight at this time of day (that was Airey's reasoning, right?). The angle read 32 this time, so she scribbled that onto her parchment and did the calculations before turning back to Mo. "Did you get something around fifty eight?"
If he didn't, he was wrong and needed to redo his arithmetic.
A sippy cup? Baby jokes? That was just
cruel, really. Mo was going to make faces again, but he was too busy trying to get Polaris properly centered in his sextant. He pulled it away from his face in order to fuss over the clamp before putting it back to his eye.
He'd pinch her again. She'd deserve it.
Mo clicked the clamp and slowly adjusted it until Polaris once again lined up with the horizon. It was obvious he was standing too close to Alice if he was getting a number close to hers, since they were supposed to be all impacted by the Unplottable-ness. He took a step away from her and adjusted again.
Latitude = 90 degrees - sextant angle
Latitude = 90 - 40
Latitude = 50
"Close. Ish. I got 50 degrees," Mo paused in scribbling down the numbers to give Alice a glance before he returned to writing it down. "While we're up here, why don't we try the owlery?"