Everyone omg lolol Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Okay, everything is going on well. Theo with his water from Ella, Professor Flammy with his boss!taste buds. Hufflepuff being entertained by his Hufflepuff student leader. And... Sky, right? Yeah she was part of the Quidditch team and okay. She was fine. But then...
Spitting Professor. Choking teammate. Sobbing Hufflepuff. ALL OF THIS HAPPENED IN A MINUTE? REALLY? Kat did not accept the badge for this. NOPE. "Uhm... hey, dude. Can you stop crying? He'll be okay............" Kat said to the Hufflepuff whose name she did not know. Goodness she didn't want this to happen. AND ETHAN MCCARTHY WHEN ARE YOU GETTING OUT OF DETENTION?!
Then Theo. Since Ella did her heroic act of de-choking him, Kat just blinked. Was he okay now? "... Theo, are you okay now?" Do you still want a glass of water. Like... Kat could go get one right now if he needed to wash down the bean that came shooting inside his mouth. MERLIN, Dylan would be so angry if he saw all of this. Nobody was supposed to harm him Terror Twins.
Uhm... Flammy too. "Do you need a glass of water, Professor?" His face looked like whatever bean he ate made him constipated. Was everyone OKAY now?
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |