What an odd First Year, asking questions he didn't like to be asked in return. Was that even how it worked? Probably not but she wouldn't go telling him that because she liked talking about ice-cream, it kept the smile on her face.
"I'm aware of just about anything that comes in chocolate frog flavours. Not saying I'm addicted or anything," cough, cough,
"but it's something I tend to pay attention to."
"You remind me of one of my best friends. She needs to be in the mood to have certain things too, mostly chocolate though." Which was kind of a pity when she thought about it.
"I like your flavour choices. Pretty sure at least one of them has chocolate in it." GRIN.
And it seemed he was finally seeing the bigger picture.
"Definitely. I haven't been hit by a bludger even once. Means they're doing a super good job...either that or the other team's beaters suck." But that's not what she was implying at all. Melanie was simply good with a bat. A confession too. She gave him a playful nudge.
"Well no need to be too literal. It sucks the fun out of life." Sometimes it was best to let your imagination run away with you.
"Oh it's no problem at all. I notice cute things. Are you friends with Forrest and Kitty!Tobias? They're cutie patooties too." She could only imagine how cute the three would be hanging together...it really helped that they were puffers. She grinned widely at him for giving even MORE compliments. He was quickly making his way onto her good side.
"I hope I get the chance to. I was destined for that mic, we're like...soul mates or something." Too bad Ariana didn't realize that.
"I do, my kneazle likes them even more though." Heh. Good thing he was back in her Commonr Room.