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Well Forrest wasn't too off from the rumors. It was rumored it did slap people and that was about it. Note to self...NEVER make it mad. That was for sure.
He heard Forrest about to ask another question when he heard rumbling....
Kace stood there in awe and in fear. There were centaurs here??? Right NOW? Woooooahhhhhh.....they seemed SO huge up in person. Kace stood there in silence.
He looked over at Forrest and he stood there just as gobsmacked as Kace was. He saw all the other centaurs thunder right behind him. That was SO cool to experience. He was gonna have to tell Belle that sometime.
Once he found his voice after the centaurs left, he asked Forrest.....
"Now...what were you gonna say before?"[/FONT]
What was what who what where--
Forrest tried to speak a few times. He did his best, really best, to speak, but it didn't happen for quite a while. So he just kept looking there with mouth open for a full minute after the...
things left, and when he found his voice, it wasn't to answer Kace's question. Who cared what boring stuff he had been saying when
things passed like that?
And just HOW COME Kace wasn't moved by those
things AT ALL? Was he--Forrest gasped and looked at the other boy horror-faced--was he
related to them?!
Frankly, anything was happen in this world.
"Ho--ho' do you know them?" he asked as his face went its palest.