Post #3; Astronomy Lesson 3 urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow The duck pond!
Ella was watching Alec to see if there was any extra pep in his step cause he loved this place, yeah? Plus MARTIN! Was he here somewhere or was he sleeping? Did ducks sleep? How long did they sleep if they did? Oh and did they like ice cream? Important questions, she had them.
But anyway, time to find the Polaris System. "So we're meant to use the spell on our eyes again, yeah?" BEAM. And she was talking quietly too in case the ducks really were sleeping. She didn't want to disturb them.
Removing her hand from his, the sixteen year old pulled out her wand and pointed it at her eyes. "Oculo Focalis!" Swishhhhh and TAP.
Blink.Blink.Blink. "It worked!" Bounce! She was excited, okay? Besides, the sky looked extra clear and twinkly now which was really nice. He knew where they were going... yeah! And was he excited? YEAH!
GRINNING WIDELY and trying his hardest not to bounce, Alec hurried along down to the duck pond, giving his girlfriend's hand a small squeeze as he went along. Because he knew why she wanted to come here, yeah? And this meant... MARTIN! And the other ducks? Could they sit here for a while to say hey?
... Probably not. They did have a time limit for these things, after all.
Spell? Eyes? "Oh, yeah! Otherwise... we won't be able to see Polaris properly," And that was kind of really important, yeah? He looked up at the sky and blinked a couple of times. Yeah... his vision was going back to what it usually was. Kind of. Had he kept the spell on it for too long from the classroom?
When she released her grip on his hand, he blinked and looked down at his empty hand instead. That... felt weird. And empty. When could they hold hands again? The sixteen year old shook his head and whipped out his wand. "Oculo Focalis!" Swish and tap! ... SUPER VISION!
Girlfriend seemed happy! Or... bouncy! "Well done! I... now we can find Polaris, right?" GRIN.
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