SPOILER!!: Kitty!Tobias ftw
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Tobias' excessive energy was helpful their little venture. Sometimes people worried because Tobias had little legs but he could keep up just fine. "Okay Lex!" 'Cause Alexa was only slightly shorter than commentator, and nicknames were fun. That was why he didn't have a problem with being called Kitty!Tobias. "And you can call me Toby if ya like, but Kitty!Tobias is neat too!"
He stopped when Lex did, because he already kind of viewed her as in charge because she was older AND because she was super confident so clearly knew her stuff. He squinted through the dark towards the sounds that the tree was making. It seemed even more violent when you couldn't see it... probably just misunderstood. But still a good idea to keep back. Aw yis.
Tobias glanced around to see if there was anyone nearby that might be all RARRR about them not being accompanied by anyone older, but it seeeeemed safe. Keeping a low profile just seemed the best route to take. YEP.
He stared up into the sky and looked all around. It always took him a few moments of staring before he could actually see stars, and soon enough it was like he could see hundreds of them. Wait, wasn't that one... the Plough... and that was the same as the Big Dipper! OF COURSE. Tobias slapped his forehead lightly before pointing a finger in the air and drawing a line between two of the stars and kept going aaaaaaaaand... there it was! Tobias DID know what he was doing after all. It was a lot easier to find Polaris this way.
"Got it!"
Now for the sextant business, eeeee.
"Excellent choice!" Most people called her Lex. She could probably only count on one hand the amount of people who bothered with her whole name...half the time she forgot it was her real name. Could you blame her?
"And Kitty!Tobias works quite fine, I'll call you Toby sometimes but if there's something like completely, totally and utterly exciting happening then I'm going for the one that has a nice ring to it when you scream it from across the Great Hall." It was important...for dramatic effect and all. You understand.
She stood, swaying from side to side, waiting for him to find the star on his own. It was the only way he'd learn and though they were on a tight time schedule she wasn't in much of a rush.
Doo dee doo dee doo.
The willow gave off a creak every now and then but she was used to that. It probably knew she was there and was trying to say hi.
"I can't play with you right now, I'm technically in the middle of a class." She whispered RATHER LOUDLY, you know...just in case it had some hearing problems after certain hours.
Oh! He'd found it!!
"Great! Sextant time then we can hurry off before some," idiot,
"older kid finds us!" GRIN. This was going much better than she thought it would!
The reading she'd gotten said ...hold on...squinting eyes was happening now...it said....50. OKAY! Boy she hoped it was a 5 because it kinda looked like a 6...but well she'd go with 50.
Was he all good too? Could they move on?